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Yellow Submarine Commits to Sustainability of Marsa Mubarak

calendar_monthApril 06, 2013

Yellow Submarine Commits to Sustainability of Marsa Mubarak

HEPCA would like to thank Yellow Submarine for their full cooperation in helping us alleviate the unacceptable deterioration of Marsa Mubarak. We have received a firm commitment from Yellow Submarine management that they will no longer be entering Marsa Mubarak for their tours. It is their hope that this gesture will help the recovery of this abused bay, as well as showing the community that Yellow Submarine is committed to environmental protection and sustainable tourism development. Our community has stood by for years in total frustration at the complete destruction of this bay by irresponsible live-board operators. HEPCA and the Red Sea community have been endlessly waiting for the relevant government agencies to intervene and we can't wait any longer. The silence and stonewalling by the same authorities who have been entrusted with the protection of this bay is disgraceful. Some of the species living here have abandoned the site because the habitat is nearly destroyed, while the authorities continue to turn a blind-eye. We want to acknowledge Yellow submarine once more for their compliance, which is an important part of our new management scheme for Marsa Mubarak. We are currently working on a comprehensive management plan for the site, which will encourage and regulate sustainable use of the bay. HEPCA has created a board of trustees from the Marsa Alam community, which will be responsible for formulating the management plan for Marsa Mubarak. This community based initiative is being supported by the Minister of Tourism Mr. Hesham Zazou and the Governor of the Red Sea, Mr. Mahamad Kamel. Both individuals have shown unwavering commitment to Red Sea conservation and our community salutes you. The southern Red Sea is in need of a massive intervention now. We shall not allow our last remaining resources to be destroyed by "hit and run" tourism operators. To our members and supporters in the southern Red Sea; your support, vigilance, and environmental stewardship are needed now more than ever. We can and will make a difference. يلو صاب مارين تتعهد بحمايه مرسى امبارك تتوجه هيبكا بالشكر الى القائمين على "يلو صاب مارين" لمساعدتهم لنا فى انقاذ خليج مرسى امبارك. فقد تلقينا اقرار من اداره "يلو صاب مارين" يتعهدون فيه بعدم دخول مراكبهم الى منطقه خليح مرسى امبارك كمساهمه منهم فى الحد من الاثار السلبيه للخليج مما يثبت اهتمامهم بحمايه البيئه لسنوات عديده تسبب القائمين على تشغيل القوارب فى تدمير خليج مرسى امبارك, قد انتظرت هيبكا و المجتمع المحلى للبحر الاحمر تدخل من الجهات الحكوميه. فقد ادى اختفاء ردود الافعال من الجهات المسؤله الى تدمير شبه كلى للخليح مما ادى الى هجره العديد من الكائنات البحريه للخليج.نتوجه بالشكر مره اخرى الى القائمين على "يلو صاب مارين" و اعتبار موقفهم جزء من خطتنا لاداره منطقه خليج مرسى امبارك قامت هيبكا بالاشراف على تكوين مجلس امناء من اهالى مدينه مرسى علم و الذين سيكون لهم كامل المسؤليه فى وضع و تنفيذ خطه اداره خليج مرسى امبارك. انطلقت المبادره بمساهمه من السيد هشام زعزوع ووزير السياحه و السيد هشام كامل محافظ البحر الاحمر