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Celebrating Marine Turtles in Quseir

calendar_monthMarch 01, 2012

Celebrating Marine Turtles in Quseir

What is a marine turtle? Around 100 children from Quseir were asked this question at the beginning of the “Quseir Turtle Day”, organized by Keep Quseir Beautiful (KQB) and HEPCA in collaboration with the Roaya volunteers. During the day children from 3 to 12 years old took part in many different activities to learn in a funny and dynamic way about marine turtles of the Red Sea and their threats. The activities for the older kids included short lectures on marine turtle morphology and adaptations, different species of the Red Sea, life-cycle and human-induced threats like pollution, bycatch and destruction of coastal and marine habitats. The Roaya volunteers did a great job by explaining the children in an interactive way all the threats these animals have to face during their life. The knowledge acquired during these lectures was then tested during games held outside. The children also manufactured some turtle-souvenirs during craftwork workshops. For the younger kids, the activities went from drawing and coloring to singing and dancing the turtle song. A colorful photo album to remember the event is available on our Facebook fanpage. HEPCA would like to thank Suzanna and the rest of the KQB team for inviting us and would also like to congratulate all the teachers from the Roaya volunteers for the amazing job they did! Stay tuned for more “Marine Life Days”. If you would like to organize a similar event in your school, neighborhood or town, please contact us.